Lions Logo    Fayetteville Lions Club

P.O. Box 217, Fayetteville TN 37334
Club 4949, District 12-S, USA

Welcome to the Fayetteville, Tennessee Lions Club!

The Fayetteville Lions Club was chartered 76 years ago in 1947 and has been very active in the Community ever since.  We meet the needs of our local community and the world. 

We are part of an International organization of 1.4 million men and women, 46,000 clubs in over 200 countries and geographic areas who conduct vision and health screenings, build parks, support eye hospitals, award scholarships, assist youth, provide help in time of disaster and much more. The organization has developed a Global Service Framework to connect our rich traditions of the past 100+ years to the next 100 years! See information about the Lions Global Causes .

International President's Theme - Make Your Mark 

The International President for Lion Year 2024-2025 is Fabrício Oliveira, from Catolé do Rocha, Brazil.  Discussing his theme he said "Everywhere we serve, every time we give, we bring kindness and compassion, change and hope. And we make our mark on the lives we touch, the communities we serve and the world we share." See more information and watch a video on his theme.


Please explore this website to find out more about our local club.  Then join us in making our community and the world better places to live. We Serve!

Basketball Classic 2024 - Team Registration

The Fayetteville Lions will host our 43rd Annual Tip-Off Basketball Classic (Scrimmages) on October 14th to 19th at Lincoln Central Academy. This is for 6th to 8th Grade Boys and Girls teams (both JV and Varsity). Schools who want to participate in our Classic should please follow the link below to register your teams and submit your preferred play dates.

Please Support Our Sponsors

Please support the businesses and organizations that support Fayetteville Lions Services. To see a list of advertisers in our 2024 Sports Program, sorted by the type of business, click here.



When: Twice a month, normally on the 1st & 3rd Tuesday - 6:15 PM  Where: Fayetteville-Lincoln County Senior Citizens Center at 908 W. Washington Street.

Guests are welcome.  Please let us know you are coming by contacting our Membership Director, Chris Ross, (931) 623-3763,   or President, Jim Neale, (931) 993-3712, . .

Be a Lion

Membership in Lions is by invitation from a local club. If you are interested in membership, contact any local Lions club member. Tell him or her that you are considering membership and want to attend a meeting to learn more. Then, ask for a membership application.

Why should I become a member of Lions International?  Find out here.

Want to know more about being a member of our Fayetteville Club - what we do, when we meet, what it costs?  Find out here.

Lions Are...

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